About the Kilkenny Bay Association

Kilkenny Bay, 50 years ago

Back in 1960, our beach looked a little different.

The log structure served as an anchor for both wharves which were supported by empty 45 gallon drums as was the raft. The wharves were closer together and the beach was in the middle.

The stone wall looked a little better back then and it is still standing except for the section as you walk down to the beach, due to the erosion.

We have always had problems keeping our sand due to excessive amounts of rain water. A small ditch was dug along the edge of the property to redirect the water. We recently prolonged the ditch to the edge of the parking lot to better contain the flow.

Last year, we graded the edge of the property and added a larger section of grass to absorb and  channel the water away from the building.

This year's project will be to contain the water that now only damages the side of the beach near the cement pad.

The clubhouse still looks good. The cement posts supporting the building were straightened and moved back many years ago to support the building properly. As a result, the structure is sound.

The shingles were replaced on the roof in the fall of 2013.

The decision was made several years ago to get rid of the outside plumbing as there was a serious risk to the quality of the water we swim in on a daily basis. We have, for the last several years, been using chemical toilets that are  more environmently friendly, despite the obvious lack of availability in the beginning and the end of the season.

All and all, we have done well over the course of some 50 years. Thanks to past presidents and their committees for their foresight and hard work. However we need to do more to protect our beach and the lake.

 The sand we have added over the years has lined the shorelines on both sides of the lake. We have in fact reduced the width of the lake and slowed the flow to the creek.

We need  to reduce to a minimum the amount of sand we add to the beach every year and try to keep  what we already have so we do not alter the flow of  the water which could compromise it's quality (less flow = more weeds, stagnant water)

We need to be aware of the value of our beach and continue to protect our investment so that we will enjoy the lake for another 50 years.

If you have any pictures of the beach you would like to post, please let us know by sending an E-Mail to :info@kilkennybayassociation.org

See you on the beach!

Your administrators